It’s been a while since I did a Human Design post, and I thought I would incorporate some I Ching cards into today’s transits. I like looking at channels that are either active in my natal bodygram, or result from transiting planets. As the planets move about in the sky, the six lines on each of the sixty-four guas or hexagrams move as well. So even though a gate is active, its line might change, creating a different influence for that day.
For today’s transits, two Channels of Compromise are active and integrating with a natal Channel. Transiting channels include the Channel of the Brainwave (57-20) and the Channel of Charisma (20-34) and interact with my natal Channel of Power (34-57). They appear on the left side of the bodygram connecting the Spleen, Throat, and Sacral centers.
Three gates are involved in these connections, 20, 34, and 57. Gate 20 is activated by Personality Moon at line 6, or Wisdom; 34 is activated by Personality Venus at both lines 1 (transit – The Bully) and 5 (in detriment – Annihilation); and, 57 is activated by Personality Sun at line 6 (natal – Utilization) and Personality Mercury, also at line 6 (transit – Utilization). Before I discuss the channels, let’s take a look at each gate.
Gate 20 is known in Human Design as the gate of Metamorphosis and found in the Throat Center. In the I Ching, however, it’s called Contemplation. Its astrological sign is Gemini and it governs the thyroid and the parathyroid. Karen Curry tells us that:
Gate 20 has the potential to meet with empowerment, the self, intuition, power, and life force in a mutative way. It is an individual voice that can mutate and empower, or stagnate and disempower. (p 151)
As well as:
When Gate 20 exhibits its highest potential, it is the expression of integrity— doing the right thing even if it isn’t what others are doing. This can mean wearing green face paint in the forest when others are wearing bright pink or any other kind of “right” action that may be going against the flow.
Because Gate 20 is the expression of integration, it has within it inherent wisdom. In traditional I Ching, the twentieth hexagram is the wise king standing on a hill, watching the wind to see which direction it will settle on before he takes action. As part of integration, Gate 20 takes time to express its wisdom. It watches and waits to express its higher knowledge, insight, and awareness. It metamorphoses awareness and recognition into action. (151-152)
Gate 34 is the gate of Power in Human Design, the Power of the Great in the I Ching. Its astrological sign is Sagittarius and it governs the ovaries and testes and it’s located in the Sacral Center. From Karen Curry:
Gate 34 is the base gate for the Manifesting Generator, so it has the potential for great power, but there is an irony associated with the power of Gate 34. It is powerful only when it responds. It is generated, not manifested. Generators with Gate 34 who push and initiate their power will not be successful in the expression of their power, and consequently will feel very frustrated.
Generators with this energy often have a hard time distinguishing between pushing and manifesting. The wiring in this part of the chart is so complex and fast that sometimes it’s hard to slow down enough to see if you’re responding. It’s good for people with this energy to practice visualizing the outcome of their choices before they leap into things.
Gate 34 is the “multitask” gate. A person with this gate is designed to have many things going on at once, and it is crucial to look at where Gate 34 connects in a chart. This will determine the expression of Gate 34. (171-172)
And lastly, Gate 57 is the gate of Intuition in Human Design, The Gentle in the I Ching. Its a gate of Libra and governs the lymphatic system and the spleen and is, in fact, located in the Center associated with the Spleen. Again, from Karen Curry:
Gate 57 is the most intuitive gate in the Human Design system. In the traditional I Ching, the fifty-seventh hexagram is the gentle wind that parts the clouds so the sun can shine through. The penetrating intuition of Gate 57 allows the truth to be revealed. It is clear and in the now. Sometimes we call Gate 57 the gate of clarity.
Ironically, in spite of its penetrating capacity for clarity, Gate 57 on its own can be a very uncertain and unclear energy. Most people question their intuition. It is not logical. The intuition of Gate 57 is in the now, and the now changes. What is truth in one moment may not be truth in another.
People who have Gate 57 often struggle with trusting themselves and their intuition. Living your Human Design strategy can resolve this dilemma. The strategy can bypass the mental aspects of indecisiveness in Gate 57 and allow the person to enjoy the benefits of their intuition instead of wrestling with self-doubt.
People with Gate 57 are endowed with deep psychic abilities. It helps to see what else is in the chart to help you identify just how psychic abilities show up.(205-206)
Now when a channel activates, both gates are in play, typically connecting two Centers. When these three gates are active, however, their placement involves the influence of three Centers which is not the norm. Additionally, the channels comprise various circuits of an individual, tribal, and collective nature. Each of the three channels for today are found in the Individual circuit with two channels part of the Channel of Integration which assists us in our awareness of self.
The Channels of Power and Charisma are found within the Channel of Integration. An auditory and intuitive channel, The Channel of Power (34/57)
is the original channel of the human archetype. When hominids first came into form, it was this energy that defined the original separation of humanity. This is intuitively based life force.(229)
People with this channel tend to be very clairaudient and can hear voices or intuitive guidance. They will also hear changes in your voice and will intuit things about you from your words and your tone.(229)
The Channel of Charisma (Gates 34/20) is the most powerful channel of all. Again, from Karen Curry:
This channel is the archetype of the Manifesting Generator, as it is the only channel that directly connects the Sacral Center to the Throat. Power and charisma are contained within this channel, but because it is connected to the Sacral, true power in this channel is expressed in response. That means that even though these people are very, very powerful in a sustainable way, they cannot truly live out their powerful destiny unless they respond. If they are initiating with power and charisma, they will get into big trouble and no one will follow them. If someone with this channel is not living his or her power and charisma, they can become very, very frustrated. Inside, they know how powerful they are, but they can’t move that energy unless they respond. (230-231)
While in physical form, we have to learn how to integrate our various aspects of self. In bodies, we see ourselves as separate from each other and people with these channels active need to take time for reflection so that we integrate our experiences in a manner that brings success to any given moment. Response in lieu of initiation is key. Although it’s difficult to do sometimes, those with this channel need to reflect before responding.
The final individual channel that’s active today is from the Knowing Circuit.
The Knowing Circuit simply knows. And it doesn’t know how it knows. It just knows that it does. (237)
The issue with this circuit, however, is waiting for the timing to be right to share what the person knows. Channel 57/20 is known as The Brainwave. It reflects our intuitive sense in the present moment. For those of us who have this channel active, we know what we know and we’re not particularly interested in explaining how we know or the truth of what we know to anyone, however, we typically find ourselves doing it anyway. This channel forces us in a sense to set aside our individualism and interact with others with compassion and concern.
We’ve all heard that knowledge is power. Well, so is intuition. An empath will be aware of any number of truths. But that awareness brings a certain amount of responsibility. Most people can’t really handle that we know what we know and find us uncomfortable to be around, even when they don’t know we’re empaths. So I think today’s transiting channels along with the channel already in my natal bodygram are telling me that I have to be careful in how I express my intuitive voice.
Not everyone is ready to hear what an empath has to say. Sometimes people hold their truths so close that they cannot bear another knowing any of them. And then when they encounter an empath, they notice that something’s different about them and it’s not always comfortable. We don’t mean to affect others this way, and most of us find it quite disconcerting when we do. But it does happen, and it makes sense for us to be careful how we come across.
It’s recommended that generator-type personalities wait to respond. Initiating something, whether it be a conversation or anything really, doesn’t always turn out well for us. When we respond to something or someone, whatever we want to convey is typically received far better than if we just blurt it out or take command. Once someone gives us the nod, however, we can then put our skills to work. But it’s crucial to respond rather than initiate. Not the easiest thing to do when you know what you know.
Letting our intuitive nature pave the way, we’ll know when to reflect and when to act. It’s letting compassion drive the moment, instead of our knowing.
Blessed be.
Curry, Karen. Understanding Human Design: The New Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really Are. Hierophant Publishing. Kindle Edition.
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Thank you... Jan Erickson
Hello what is the name of these card please
They’re called the Human Design, Rave I’Ching Card Deck and you can click the link to order if you like.