In Unification, We Experience Completion ~ Tarot for 3 April 2017

In Unification, We Experience Completion ~ Tarot for 3 April 2017

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I’ll begin with the numerology of today’s reading because of its interesting pattern. Initially, we see a 3, 9, 21, 12, and 9. Reducing to single digits gives us 3, 9, 3, 3, and 9 arriving at a final numerology of 9 or completion and humanitarianism. What we also have is a number that’s a multiple of three or the catalyst for wholeness and unity.

Another pattern emerges with The Universe, card 21 from the Major Arcana, and The Hanged Man, card 12, each the reverse of the other with both reducing to three. Additionally, those two cards join with the 3 of Wands creating a downward pointing pyramid or triangle with its own numerology of three.

We begin in Unified Presence. Three catalyzes that vibration into unified wholeness as we progress in our experience. From there, six reinforces our Higher Self-awareness, followed by completion found with nine. So it would appear that the collective conscious is tapping us on the shoulder reminding us that we not only begin in Unified Presence but that we also remain such throughout our incarnation into form.

Virtue,  Power, and Fortune are the titles of the numbered cards from the Minor Arcana, the 3 of Wands, 9 of Wands, and the 9 of Cups respectively. Wands dominate representing Elemental Fire and Cups Elemental Water signifying our creative and emotional presence. The 3 and 9 of Wands along with The Universe make up the active influences for today with The Hanged Man in the position of hidden influence and the 9 of Cups as the outcome.

Three spears point upward on the 3 of Wands, flame rising from each tip, representing the synthesis of creation, divinity, and fate. They are suspended before an open window suggesting the possibility of new experiences. The hexagram at the top right signifies The Cauldron or the value of traditions that lead to compassion for the community or tribe reinforcing Virtue, the card’s title.

The 9 of Wands depicts nine upward pointed spears before an ancient-looking tree, again with flames rising from each tip, resonating strength and Power. The hexagram on the top left is called The Army suggesting that established patterns of power and leadership can create an orderly societal structure.

Rounding out the active influences for today, Haindl portrays The Universe with a fire-breathing dragon. Works for me, but then I’m a dragon-loving witch. Completion, synthesis, and rebirth are the influences of The Universe, our journey in form complete. The rune, Gebo, appears at the top right corner suggesting balanced energy exchange. Drawn somewhat differently than in the Elder Futhark, Gebo brings energies of mutual benefit as it promotes relationships with others.

Both the 3 and 9 of Wands talk about patterns and tradition relating to compassion and the expression of power. With the remembrance of our Unified Presence as our guide, we know our greatest power is found in our compassion for the community at large, a service to others focus in lieu of a sole focus on the self. The Universe and its associated rune, Gebo, reinforces this balanced energy exchange with others.

     The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man in the position of hidden influence depicts Odin as he hangs upside down from Yggdrasil awaiting enlightenment along with the gift of the runes. His long hair merges with the earth below while he hangs from the tree above, an expression of as above, so below. The rainbow pictured signifies aligned chakra energy while Odin’s ravens, Hugin and Munin, also known as thought and memory, fly in the sky above bringing him messages from Spirit, while a crescent moon reflecting the Goddess in her Crone phase appears just below the tree. The rune, Tiwaz, appears on the card suggesting power is found in release reinforcing surrender to our Unified Presence as the message of The Hanged Man, encouraging us to release preconceived notions and embrace a deeper experience.

In the Outcome position, the 9 of Cups depicts nine golden chalices suspended in the air, a waterfall pouring into one. Haindl titles this card, Fortune when typically it’s about emotional fulfillment although it’s certainly true that real fortune is found in emotional fulfillment instead of in the acquisition of material possessions. The hexagram on the card is titled Increase suggesting potential that’s developed from expanded resources.

We exist in a duality of sorts reflecting both physical and nonphysical aspects of Self in this journey we take in form. If all we remain aware of is the physical side of Self then duality centers on the polarity between perceived masculine and feminine energies. Everything becomes divided up into this or that, either/or, and then us versus them. We see only separation instead of the Unified Presence that we remain.

As the spiritual awakening that is now being called ascension expands, today’s reading reminds us that we’re less on a journey toward spirituality and on more of a journey of remembrance. When we forget that we’re one collective consciousness it becomes easy to see others as something to fear rather than embrace. Our true power resonates from a moral compass based on compassionate awareness instead of arrogance and control.

We are our greatest resource. As we see with the so-called new guy, money and the perception of power takes us only so far. Without the moral compass and a shared sense of values and tradition, arrogance drives decisions and needless suffering results. It’s simple, really, yet this idea seems to confound an entire party in Congress as well as their new boss.

In unification, we experience completion, the remembrance of Self our journey’s end. We begin in wholeness, in Unified Presence. The challenge we face, therefore, is to remember that truth as we pursue our lives in form. We have a front row seat to a potential future unfolding before us. Will we choose the path of arrogance or a path that leads us back to each other?

Blessings to our One Family!



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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!