Emerging From The Inner Chrysalis Of Self
Whenever I get a numerology of thirteen in a tarot reading I consider it a Master Witch number. Not that numerologists would necessarily agree, but I’m a witch who was born on the 13th and it figures prominently in my ancestry and life. Sometimes I reduce it to 4 reflecting structure but today I prefer to leave it alone allowing a witch’s intuition to lead the way.
I used a spread that includes three general influences along with one card representing unknown factors and another the outcome. Pentacles and Swords are represented signifying Earth and Air elements are influencing today’s reading. One Court card is present from the suit of Cups reflecting the emotional presence of Elemental Water. Finally, one card from the Major Arcana rounds out the general influences of the spread.
Beginning with the 7 of Pentacles, a fruiting branch stands in the forefront of a black background, its stalk and leaves white with amber colored fruit signifying abundant harvest. Alignment is also depicted with this card asking us to pause and reflect on the process. Balance isn’t necessarily reflected with the fruit more heavily weighted on the left side with a feminine influence dominating. Wealth doesn’t have to be attained through oppression or control. A caring approach that takes into account the needs of all results in wealth that is more sustainable.
The Daughter of Cups depicts a young swan floating peacefully in the water. Elements are in balance before the swan with a chalice above her head representing emotions, intuition, and femininity. The Daughter of Cups signifies our undeveloped potential, grace, and inspiration. Like the water she floats in, her intuition flows unabated as she explores the world around her. Traditional interpretations suggest that she’s practical and studious and her presence in a reading may suggest a message or news is coming.
The Wild Unknown uses flora and fauna instead of people and The Hanged Man is adorable as a bat. His red eyes look steadily at the reader as he wraps himself in his large wings in cocoon or chrysalis fashion. The Hanged Man represents our spiritual descent into form and our need to seek wisdom from within. When this card appears, we’re to let go and align in our Source Presence in an effort to gain a new perspective.
In the position of unknown influence, the 5 of Swords cuts a long worm in half. The worm has experienced battle with bandages appearing on each half of its broken body. The battle was chaotic as battles typically are with swords appearing haphazardly around the scene. Five indicates change and in this case conquest of another. Traditional interpretations include defeat, blame, and loss.
A butterfly in chrysalis form hangs from a sword while seven others stand ready to strike in the outcome position of the reading. The 8 of Swords suggests restriction and outside interference or obstruction. It can also indicate that our own thought process is the problem. Or we may feel trapped by something or someone and we need to come to center and align in Higher Self presence to find our truth.
Although we begin in a positive manner, it appears that there may be some interference either from self or others that we should be aware of. The use of our intuition comes through as we seek our inner Self for awareness or solutions. The overall numerology of 13 suggests that a greater awareness is ours if we only seek solace and peace within. Alignment is reinforced in all cards including the 5 of Swords as a solution against egoic response. In alignment, we achieve a balanced perspective. When our focus reflects ego, it’s more difficult to let go and see the real truth of the situation as well as our own participation in it.
Like the young swan in the Daughter of Cups our inner peace should drive our experiences. In that alignment of Self our emotions are balanced with our intellect, our will in balance with our physical presence. As above, so below. We neither get in our own way or in the way of others. We emerge from our own self-imposed chrysalis without fear and eager for new experiences, our abundance assured.
Blessed be
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Thank you... Jan Erickson