For situations beyond our control, a protection bindrune might be necessary. They can protect the individual from harm or interrupt the behavior of another. For this bindrune, I decided to focus its energies into a sigil that helps and individual stand in their own power and more effectively communicate their needs and boundaries. As usual, I let the runes decide the energies of the bindrune and I drew five runes, four that provide the basis for the bindrune and a fifth that ties them together. Ansuz, Kenaz, Eihwaz, and Tiwaz comprise the foundation with Algiz bringing them all together.
Beginning with Ansuz, this fourth rune of the Elder Futhark invokes our Source Presence within. A rune of communication, Ansuz inspires eloquent expression and helps us look at all points of view. Considered as Odin’s rune, Ansuz assists us in channeling our Higher Self in an effort to achieve spiritual awareness.
Moving deocil around the runecasting, Kenaz as the torch is considered the rune of openings. It increases intuition, revealing what’s hidden from view. Representing a witch’s power to know, Kenaz is useful when a situation is unclear. It lights the way and brings healing and awakening.
Eihwaz itself is a protection rune. It banishes unwanted behavior and removes obstacles from our path. It also shifts energy from one state to another and can be used to resolve difficulties. Eihwaz provides the bridge between physical and nonphysical aspects of Self allowing our Source Presence to guide our decisions.
Higher ideals are influencing with Tiwaz. We need to make a decision that may be problematic for others, but if boundaries are the issue, we need to proceed from the place of Spirit when communicating our needs to others. Tiwaz represents the god, Tyr, as well as sacrifice and justice. We stand in our own power with Tiwaz as we express to others what must now be with confidence and strength.
I wear two runes as protection amulets, Hagalaz and Algiz. As a guardian rune of Source Presence, Algiz protects us from harmful forces by reinforcing our connection with the Divine. It represents three elements, Air, Fire, and Water, and along with Eihwaz provides the connection between physical and nonphysical aspects of Self. Algiz brings the first four runic energies together, sealing the bindrune’s focus of protection.
When making a bindrune, the idea is to arrange the runes into a sigil. I can use each one in a distinct manner or blend them together and for this bindrune, I chose the latter. When I’m creating a bindrune unless I’m going to use it as a shield of some kind where keeping each rune intact can contribute its own effect, I like to build the bindrune by using aspects common to each one. In other words, after creating the bindrune, I should be able to distinguish each one within the whole. In that way, the vibration of each rune blends with the others, creating an intention that’s focused and clear.
A powerful form of rune magick, bindrunes can be drawn on anything, can be used in rituals, or can be carried or worn as a talisman or amulet. With this bindrune, it can be carried in a pocket to assist the individual when setting boundaries with others. It can quiet the mind allowing the individual to stay focused when discussions become erratic or manipulative. I’ll consecrate the bindrune during the upcoming solar eclipse, making use of not only New Moon energy but the energy of the solar eclipse itself. In magick, a solar eclipse is thought to contain the energy of a year’s worth of solstices and equinoxes. I’ll focus that power into the bindrune, charging it with courage and strength.
I’ll consecrate the bindrune during the upcoming solar eclipse, making use of not only New Moon energy but the energy of the solar eclipse itself. In magick, a solar eclipse is thought to contain the energy of a year’s worth of solstices and equinoxes. I’ll focus that power into the bindrune, charging it with courage and strength.
I couldn’t have chosen better runes for this bindrune which is why I usually let the runes decide their own influence. They always point me in the right direction, even when it’s not my original intention. Sometimes we bind others with a bindrune, but in this case, this bindrune is binding our own will into a single focus. We have a right to live our lives as we choose without the influence of others. But not everyone understands this concept and it’s not always easy to stand in our own power and speak up.
This bindrune helps us to gather our focus and speak our truth. Without apology and with grace and dignity.
~ Blessed Be
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Thank you... Jan Erickson
Jan — do you find that after you’ve created a bindrune for magical purposes that you energy is depleted? I am curious if that could be part of what I am experiencing.
Hi there!
Thanks for the question! I guess instead of feeling depleted, I typically feel energized by the working…