Protection of Self Over the Protection of All

Protection of Self Over the Protection of All

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Mercury ends its retrograde today so some of the miscommunication folks might have experienced may settle a bit. But today is also the New Moon in Aries which can bring an energy that’s dominating which can also negatively affect communication, so it may be a few days before things calm down. Or not. Every time I read or watch the news, it’s clear the president prefers the protection of self over the protection of all. It’s evident in his press conferences as well as his endless ranting on Twitter. Of course, if any of us had lived he life he’s lived, maybe we’d be focused on the needs of self over others as well given that every day brings a new revelation or porn star.

But as our vibrational frequencies increase during this time of ascension, it’s easy to see that our polarization is also increasing. According to the Law of One, no matter how frustrating this might be, it makes sense given that ascension actually requires us to polarize to one choice or the other. We’re told in that channeled document that we choose an overall focus prior to incarnating, choosing either a service-to-self or service-to-others focus. Which may explain the behavior of our current president, someone with a clear service-to-self focus.

We tend to isolate thought from behavior, yet it’s from our thoughts that behavior results. We see a distinction between the two when there really is none. As long as it remains within thought, we believe, we’re fine. Whew! That was close. We don’t understand that thought can be conveyed nonverbally, giving ourselves away when we thought we were concealing our intentions just fine, thank you very much.

We see this when someone becomes visibly uncomfortable during a provocative conversation. Their words may never match their body language, especially if they remain silent, but their body language tells everything. We also see this expressed in the choice of response, oftentimes choosing a passive-aggressive response in lieu of one that is more direct, respectful, and productive, sabotaging any positive outcome.

The interesting aspect of all of this is that without inserting any judgment, all behavior, according to the Law of One is acceptable in terms of ascension. That means that even the worst behavior those who chose a life focused on the self engage in, it ultimately polarizes them toward ascension in the same way that those souls choosing a service-to-others focus does, only in the opposite direction so to speak. As ascension gets closer, we’re going to our respective corners and being exactly who we are. No further need for interpretation, or giving anyone a pass. It is what it is now and we need to stay in our own lane and on our own path. See any conflict for what it is. Whatever it is that we find impossible about others to live with, maybe it’s just that person playing out the choice they made prior to incarnating. That’s essentially what free will is all about anyway. The difficulty arises when we judge the other person’s behavior as wrong when it’s really just a choice. It may be a choice that’s problematic, even criminal, but that’s a separate issue from the basic right to choose who we are and how we will engage with the rest of the world.

I’ve been thinking about all of this while watching our current president’s behavior in response to the election hacking or influencing as well as the discussion of his sexual proclivities which evidently, evangelicals are just fine with. He’s their guy, so whatever he’s done or continues to do, it’s fine. I’ve considered the onset of dementia or simple ignorance of the rest of the world, or even someone who is so removed from the rest of life due to his wealth that he really has no clue how the rest of the world functions. But each time I come back to the idea of the choice and the distortion of free will given us by the Creator to express that choice. Of course, while in form, we exist alongside others, so it makes sense to find a way to do that without hurting each other, but that bias may reflect a service-to-others mindset, because the only way someone with a service-to-self focus is going to willingly do that is if it serves his own personal needs.

From my research, it appears that although we might be able to change our initial focus after incarnating, it’s not what typically happens. The choice we make expresses itself early on in our lives where we see children who share versus those who just can’t seem to extend themselves that way. They eat all the cookies. They hog all the toys, breaking them if they can’t have their way. It’s all about them. And it’s also expressed when we see others as different, as something to be separate from. While service-to-others folks may desire a level of unity or cooperation, folks living a service-to-self life may choose something else. It’s just not who they are. They see the rest of humanity as something to use and control believing that conquest is preferable to unity.

While many service-to-self people can listen to and respond positively to reason it may be more a result of conditioning than coming to the conclusion that it’s the right thing to do. Or it’s that they don’t have any other choice. But ideally, they want to be in control and don’t quite understand when that can’t happen. We believe they can make a different choice. But can they? The president is in his early 70’s and he appears all in with the service-to-self focus. It would be fascinating to observe if the consequences of who he is didn’t affect the rest of the world. But they do, and it’s frankly terrifying to wake up in the morning now wondering what missile is headed our way of if we’ll have an electrical grid after all is said and done.

As polarization increases so does the nastiness of our discourse. High school kids who survived a school shooting shouldn’t have to be targeted with disgusting comments and threats on social media for speaking out for gun reform. Why wouldn’t they speak out? Their friends died that day. Some of them were shot and survived. And to think they wouldn’t try to do something about it? To ridicule and threaten them? That’s a service-to-self focus playing out. It’s revolting. It’s destructive. A cable personality is losing advertisers right and left, yet she can’t understand that she brought this on herself by attacking one of the high school kids from the Parkland school shooting. Now she whines about it. But again, she brought this on herself. If corporations no longer want to advertise on outlets that promote hateful speech, then it’s their right to do so, just as it was their right to advertise there in the first place. But to think any of it happens in a vacuum now, that’s just silly.

But just as the nastiness has increased, so has our moral compass. Maybe we haven’t spoken up before, but we’re sure doing it now. Those seeking unity with others are coming out of the woodwork, running for local, state, and national office in an effort to stem the tide of destruction. They’re rising up and no longer standing silent as chaos rules the day. The last president attempted to leave a legacy for all of us based on unity and positive connection with others which the new regime is systematically tearing apart. They don’t want people to have adequate health care. They don’t want children to be educated. They don’t want people to live in peace. For those in that category with wealth, the effect will benefit them beyond their wildest dreams while the rest whose life is a day to day struggle, well, like the president said the other day about farmers taking one for the team, if they’re patriots, they’ll take the hit for the country.

Apparently, this was the winning he was referring to. The bulk of his supporters didn’t realize all that winning would be on their backs and at their expense. When they can no longer feed their family, what then?

Protection of self, or protection of all. It’s really coming down to that now.

Blessed Be


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!