Witch Notes: Living In Truth Edition

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Living in truth is hard for some folks. Take the current guy in the Oval Office. He believes that an FBI informant is a spy. Well, I suppose the two words can be used interchangeably, but what’s the point? In this case, the point is to convince his supporters that there has been an ongoing coup to impeach him, even before he was apparently elected. I say apparently because I actually don’t believe he was elected. And I think we’ll all eventually know that. But until that time, we’re stuck trying, like South Korea, to decipher what the fool actually means.

I think he’s the sort of guy who likes to cause trouble and then pull the rug out from under people. He likes to watch it all unfold. Not because it makes sense to do it, but because he gets the cheapest of thrills out of doing so. He gaslights everyone. And it’s almost as if we’ve shifted into a strange timeline, one where down is up, good is bad, and right is wrong. Whatever modicum of dignity conservatives once had has been given over to this horrible man. No one stands up to him. No one. Unless it’s a woman with whom he’s committed adultery and tried to silence. He’s always been proud of his playboy proclivities. And since the evangelicals have given him endless mulligans, why would he care who knows what? I mean, when you support a predator of young girls, what’s left to discover that isn’t the same crap as before?

Did his supporters not understand what those living in Manhattan understood? Did they not hear the rumors or listen to interviews he’s given over the years? Or the sexual comments he’s made about his daughters? What is it? Do men want to be him? Because if that’s the case, they really should reconsider that choice. And to the woman who wore the t-shirt asking him to grab her pussy? Are you insane? You invite a man to sexually assault you? On a t-shirt?

Has fear of the other transformed us into something that we never thought could happen? Or has it been happening all along while few noticed? Because I don’t understand the disconnect. We’re watching long-serving lawmakers turn a blind eye to the destruction of our standing in the world, not to mention our very way of life. As long as they get their tax cuts. As long as they dismantle the social safety net in this country. As long as they get what they want, it’s all fine. Never mind that babies are ripped from their mothers’ arms at the border. Never mind who we’ve now become.

We don’t need a wall between the US and Mexico because we’ve effectively built one around our hearts. He believes undoing everything our last president did makes him look tough and strong. It doesn’t. It only makes him look like he’s a complete idiot because it’s clear he understands nothing about the basic structure of how government operates. He believes not filling positions equates to draining the swamp when the first guy who needs to go should be him.

The results of the 2016 election continue to be a travesty. But that’s what happens when a travesty occupies the Oval Office. He will continue to incite animus and support greed. He doesn’t understand that the presidency is an institution, not an individual. And he must be worthy of that position. That he is not and never will be is all we really need to know.

Please vote in November. Remove the fools who support this guy and replace them with people who support our country.

Blessed Be


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!