When Truth Eludes Us

When Truth Eludes Us

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There exists in the world a growing community of alternative thought. Call it conspiracy thinking or simply a willingness to look beyond what the power structure insists is real, the average individual has been lied to forever. Those who seek alternative explanations for why things are the way they are denounced as crazy and deluded. But are they? There might be some conclusions drawn that might be inaccurate but threaded throughout the discussion are components of the truth so to discount these theories outright seems counterproductive, at least to anyone wishing to understand the truth.

Anyone who has read this blog knows I’m not a fan of the current president. But alternative thinkers believe he’ll bring about the great American reset and restructure the world’s financial system and arrest those involved in pedophilia throughout the world. The general belief is that the type of financial system we function under is one that is built on a lie, one that allegedly has its origins in the Vatican and has created and supports an enormous shadow organization of sorts. All roads lead to Rome, evidently, with Israel apparently also a component in the financial control of the world.

From there, we have to consider the so-called secret space program that many believe is funded by the alleged shadow organization which then naturally brings us to the origin of humans. Too many texts have come to light that reinforce the idea that visiting races of people had a hand in creating who we are which raises the issue of just who is the God mentioned in the Bible? As far as I’m concerned, it’s referencing one of the nonterrestrial visitors here at that time who used humans for their own purposes, modifying our genetics to get the most out of us.

And regarding those ancient texts that never seemed to be included in the Bible? They reference these people in a way that describes a time where we as a species interacted with these travelers and were governed by them. They had abilities and technology that humans had never before encountered so I’m certain they milked that for all it was worth so that humans believed they were gods. Except that they weren’t.

They were expressions of the Creator manifested into form, just as is everything else in the universe. That’s the first thing we need to get straight. All of the religious texts that we hold in such reverence grew out of those interactions. It’s not that there aren’t values we can glean from them that can help us in our lives, but it didn’t come from the Creator Itself. Not in the sense of an external, and apparently paternal, creator giving us a codified set of spiritual teachings that guide our lives. That there was anything positive at all illustrates the Source Presence within each of us, guiding that process to some extent. But maybe we should rethink our worship of the nonterrestrial entitles that were here. Because what grew out of all of that?

Some folks believe that what we have now, our religious, financial, and social structure, is an expression of this delusion we’ve lived under for thousands of years. The world’s financial structure grew from the control exerted by the religious hierarchy in general. So it’s a control over the very premise under which we all live, that there is a loving but vengeful God that is spoken of in religious texts such as the Bible and to whom we must work our way back doing good works over the course of our lifetime when, in truth, we’re essentially cogs on a wheel that we don’t realize exists, manipulated by a power structure we cannot begin to fathom.

Supposedly, there is a presence behind the scenes working to fix all of this imbalance and bring truth to the masses. Well, that’s nice. And then I read that not everything will be revealed because apparently, we can’t handle the truth. Some of it will be just too much to bear. Really? That’s where I part company with all of this revelation and great awakening stuff. Because if the world is about to find out the truth of how we came to be and what’s been going on in the dark vis-a-vis the financial structure, pedophilia, etc., then we need full transparency. It doesn’t matter how disgusting it is or how it might upend our fundamental beliefs.

No. If this is all true. If what the alternative research is saying is true then let it all come out. All of it. Stop with the so-called Q-crumbs. Stop with the riddles. Just tell people what’s going on. If there’s a connection between government and pedo-criminality, then bring it all out. Name names. No matter who it is. Because at this point, all that’s important is saving those who can still be saved. And yes, I believe it’s happening. We need to know and this crime needs to be stopped. However, if those doing the upending are deciding for the rest of us who knows what and when, how is that any different than what we have now? Perhaps we should view our supposed saviors with just as much suspicion because it sort of feels like we’re trading one asshole for another. It’s still about someone else calling the shots for the rest of us. And I don’t see how that’s going to work going forward.

We have to move past the notion that we can’t say this or reveal that because there are those who can’t handle it. There will always be those who can’t handle one thing or another and if that happens, then so be it. I have a feeling weed will also be legal so it is what it is. Work it out. It’s not like anyone should be surprised that our government lies to us. But for some, particularly those among us who define themselves by their religious beliefs, they might have a difficult time. So we should move forward in compassion and leave judgment out of the equation.

When the truth eludes us, it can be self-driven or from others. It’s clear to me that we’ve been sold a pack of lies for thousands of years. And it’s long past time for that to end. But do we give away the keys to people with the same level of moral character as the others who have fostered all of it? Do we believe the carnival barker at the podium asking us to believe only him and not what we’re seeing around us? Because if we do that, we’re in no better a position that when we began.

Anyway, food for thought…

Blessed Be


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!