How About We Retire "President's Day" Until We Actually Have A President

How About We Retire “President’s Day” Until We Actually Have A President

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If the response to Mike Pence in Munich was any indication, maybe we should retire “President’s Day” until we actually have a president. Seriously. The world thinks at least some of us have lost our ever-lovin‘ minds when Donald was “elected” as president. No one clapped when Mike named Donald as the leader of the free world. Apparently, it was more like crickets in the room. And Angela Merkel had a few choice words to say about German cars and America’s national security all while Ivanka looked on, expressionless. Germany’s leader wasn’t mincing words when it came to her father’s ridiculous policies.

It’s true that we’ve lost our standing in the world. Some would argue that any standing was a mere illusion while others believe in that shining city on the hill full of American exceptionalism and national pride. I fall somewhere on the illusion side of the issue, having watched in various levels of horror national pride on steroids since the 2010 midterms when the so-called Tea Party Freedom Caucus came into being. It’s not that I don’t understand the desire for change, but that I didn’t understand the unwillingness to look at facts or that the very definition of that word, facts, would be cast into doubt. They believed whatever conspiracy theory they fancied, typically centering on Hillary Clinton, and that was that.

On the other hand, I’ve always believed that truth can be determined. There may be machinations behind the scenes that try to prevent its revelation, but if episodes of Law and Order are any indication, eventually, most truth comes to light. But apparently, there are other ways to look at that as evidenced by any number of tweets in Donald’s timeline, his own or those he retweets. Everything that he doesn’t know about or doesn’t serve his own beliefs or agenda is considered to be fake news. Nothing more, nothing less. Just fake news. Fifty scientists could show him something from start to finish with the outcome obvious to the most unschooled individuals, and Donald would still claim that it’s fake news. He’ll insult and demean any reporter who challenges him, his behavior undermining the office, character, and dignity of the presidency. And it’s why no one clapped for Mike in Munich. And why Germany’s Chancellor feels so comfortable dissing Ivanka’s daddy.

Donald, and the people who voted for him, have caused all of this. They “elected” him to an office for which he is completely unqualified. But more than that, their symbiotic relationship is sustaining a level of chaos that is dangerous and needs to end. They tweet to each other, chant and cheer at nationalist rallies, and support someone so craven and narcissistic that he declares a national emergency because he felt like it. He didn’t have to do it, he said, from the Rose Garden the other day. He simply didn’t want to wait. He wants the wall now. It won’t happen, but he and his supporters don’t understand that fact. And unless Kavanaugh really is his guy, which we’ll no doubt find out sooner than later now that lawsuits are already being filed in response to his illusion of an emergency, the Supreme Court will tell him to take a hike and rule against him.

This is a game between Donald and those who believe he’s someone that, at least in my opinion, he certainly is not. He was never the savvy businessman, not if recent reports of his financial relationship with Russia are true. They believed a reality television show character, hook, line, and sinker. They believed the brand instead of the truth about the man. All of it was considered to be fake news. If the news outlets said it, it was automatically a lie. And now, journalists are the enemy of the people increasing the risk they take every day they’re out there doing their jobs. All because they report the truth, something that Donald doesn’t want revealed.

So if we can’t retire President’s Day until we actually have a president, how about we retire Donald?

Blessed Be

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!