Monthly Tarot - July 2019

Monthly Tarot – July 2019

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July is here and it’s time again for monthly tarot. I liked the format I used last time so I’m using it again with an overall significator and one card for each week of the month. But if it feels like I need more information, I’ll draw a few more cards and include them in their respective weekly sections. As always, I’m using the Morgan-Greer Tarot deck which is based on the Rider-Waite but offers its own perspective, Death representing the fourth week of July an obvious example.

Strength begins the reading for the month as the overall significator depicting trust, courage, and unconditional love. We see a woman lovingly holding a lion while stroking its head surrounded by palm trees, greenery, and peaked mountains. As the eighth card from the Major Arcana, Strength illustrates the power of the Goddess to extend compassion and love and to balance the wild within. When she appears in a reading, we understand that we’re stronger than we know and that we possess all that we need to overcome any challenges we encounter.

Week one is represented by the 6 of Pentacles. Six pentacles appear in balance behind a man of means, holding scales in his left hand, and offering coins to outstretched hands with his right. The 6 of Pentacles suggests harmony and the fair distribution of wealth along with generosity and justice. The energy of the six describes a Higher Self perspective and the offering made reflects spiritual awareness.

During the first week of July, an opportunity may arise to make someone else’s life a little easier. However, It may have nothing to do with a charitable contribution, but instead, the offer of our time. So, if it seems like someone you know is struggling, although they may say nothing, an offer of help may be exactly what they need. The underlying message of the significator, Strength will provide reinforcement.

Creative expression provides the theme for week two as a hand reaches out from billowy clouds holding a crude branch in the Ace of Rods (Wands). The genesis of Elemental Fire and our will, the Ace of Rods represents the beginnings of passion and our creative process. Its expression is catalytic and powerful as it suggests something new on the horizon, manifested from our will.

The Ace of Rods is also about the legacy we leave for others. The significator card, Strength suggests that compassion and love are our real legacy and the creative energy of the Ace may be continuing the theme of generosity from week one. However, if a new opportunity arises this week, the energy is there to pursue it.

I love the 9 of Pentacles in the Morgan-Greer Tarot deck. Representing week three, we see a woman of means wearing a dark pink turban, a hooded bird perched on one hand while she reaches into a bowl of grapes with the other. A necklace of pentacles hangs around her neck. Nine depicts completion and in this scene, the woman appears content and in need of nothing.

Week three may have us feeling more content, with everything in its place. New opportunities begun in week two may be unfolding well and we can take some time to appreciate all that we have. The significator, Strength, asks us to trust the overall process and know that we’re exactly where we’re supposed to be.

Week four brings Death, the thirteenth card of the Major Arcana, depicting the grim reaper standing in front of the River Styx holding a scythe while a large white rose appears before him. A red sun is setting on the scene creating a brilliant orange and red sky. Death is about transition, rebirth, and positive change. Here, we clear away that which no longer serves and move into a new perspective.

The last week of July either consolidates efforts made over the month into something more cohesive, or it may portend something new that begins in August. Either way, it feels significant.


Realistically, it looks like the entire month is about new opportunities, either an opportunity we offer someone else, or one that we create for ourselves. Strength suggests that we think outside the box and embrace new ideas or opportunities that we might not have considered before. In fact, its energy has the potential to impact if not drive entirely the choices we make.

The Strength within allows us to understand the needs of others and then do something to help. It reinforces the creative essence within and provides the impetus for its expression. It allows us to trust in the process and to let go of that which no longer serves. In short, Strength provides the underlying foundation of who we are as Spirit, taming the ego within and extending compassion to all.

Next up…the geomancy reading for the month!

And for more readings during the month, check out Somewhat Daily Tarot and Rune over on YouTube!

Until next time…

Tarot Blessings!



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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!