Lunar Transits for 26-28 Dec 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Relationships are important as our Moon moves into Virgo and the 7th House of marriage and contracts at 9:50 AM PST on 26 December 2018. READ MORE
Lunar Transits for 24-26 December 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. The holidays are perfect for this transiting Moon in Leo who loves to be in the center of things! Awaken your inner child and enjoy READ MORE
Lunar Transits for 20 December 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. New ideas and opportunities inform a focus on health issues as the Moon moves into chatty Gemini at 6:35 AM, Thursday, 20 December 2018. As this READ MORE
Lunar Transits for 15 Dec 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. The Moon moves into Aries today at 4:45 PM PST with an emphasis on beginning new projects or seeking opportunities for career advancement. An independent and READ MORE
Lunar Transits for 13 Dec 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. The Moon transits into Pisces at 4:40 AM PST on Thursday, 13 December 2018 in its crescent phase bringing an assertive influence to the next READ MORE
Lunar Transits for 10 Dec 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. The Moon transits into Aquarius at 3:40 pm on Monday, 10 December 2018. It’s also my husband’s sixty-fifth birthday. Networking and cooperation are favored today READ MORE
Lunar Transits for 8 Dec 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. The Moon moves into Capricorn at 4:02 am PST today asking us to focus on foundational concerns for the next couple of days. Organize, make READ MORE
Lunar Transits ~ 6 Dec 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. In looking at today’s lunar transits we have a New Moon which is currently making use of Sagittarius’s adventuresome influence. So, expand your horizons and READ MORE
Tarot and Transits for 20 January 2018 ~ Shutdown Edition
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Prior to the shutdown of the federal government, we asked for some Temperance, instead we got the 9 of Swords and now, like the 2 of Wands, we’re at READ MORE
Ray Influences for 9 January 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Because esoteric astrology is more concerned with a soul-centered focus in lieu of the traditional personality focus of most astrological charts, I’ve found that my READ MORE
Staying True To Our Values ~ Human Design Transits for 30 November 2017
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Stepping Aside has a Facebook page. It’s one that I host off of my own personal page and I’ve begun posting information about daily planetary READ MORE
Energetic Channels And Strategy
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. When we look at a Human Design bodygram or chart we see nine flow-chart style symbols connected by channels resembling a cross between the Tree READ MORE
A New Moon in Scorpio ~ Finding Sacred Space
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Tomorrow’s New Moon transits in Scorpio (9° Sco 25′ 29″) in the Ninth House. Emotions will be heightened and we take pleasure at the beauty READ MORE
Power and Knowing ~ Human Design Channels for 18 October 2016
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. It’s been a while since I did a Human Design post, and I thought I would incorporate some I Ching cards into today’s transits. READ MORE
Jupiter in Libra: Inner and Outer Expansion
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Jupiter has an expansive effect on us. In my chart, Jupiter is transiting Libra at 0° Lib 02′ and is beginning a journey that will last READ MORE