Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Wednesday is governed by Mercury. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal. [wordads] Current Outlook Lunar position ~ Moon in Pisces (emotional, compassionate, empathic) and the 4th House (home is unstable)…
Hive Update – Candy Board Interrupted – October 2019
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. I decided to make my candy board from foundationless frames instead of using one that sits on top of the hive. I’ll place them on the outside edges of the top brood box, assuming there’s room. In other words, we…
Correspondences & Astro Info for 8 October 2019
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Tuesday is governed by Mars. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal. [wordads] Current Outlook Lunar position ~ Moon in Aquarius (emotional distance, more secure with intellect) and the 3rd House…
Correspondences & Astro Info for 7 October 2019
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Monday is governed by the Moon. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal. [wordads] Current Outlook Lunar position ~ Moon in Aquarius (more comfortable with intellect than emotions) and the 4th…
Weekly Rune & Moon for 6-12 October 2019
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. We’re beginning a new week and with everything going on lately, I’m eager to look at the rune and astrological influences. Fortuna Major is this week’s significator suggesting lesser fortune or progress made, but possibly incomplete. A closer view of…
Correspondences and Astro Info for 3 October 2019
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Thursday is governed by Jupiter. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal. [wordads] Current Outlook Lunar position ~ Moon in adventurous Sagittarius and the 2nd House of possessions Sign ~ Libra…
Correspondences and Astro Info for 2 October 2019
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Wednesday is governed by Mercury. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal. [wordads] Current Outlook Lunar position ~ Moon in adventurous Sagittarius and the 2nd House of possessions at 4:45 am…
Monthly Geomancy for October 2019
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Now that the Monthly Tarot reading is published, let’s look at the geomancy influences for October. Briefly, geomancy is an older divination method that involves casting four element-specific runes with a single dot on one side and two dots on…
Monthly Tarot for October 2019
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. October is here and it’s time once again for Monthly Tarot! After this is posted, the Monthly Geomancy reading will be published next, so look for that as well. I’m using the Haindl deck, a significator for the entire month,…
Correspondences and Astro Info for 1 October 2019
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Tuesday is governed by Mars. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal. [wordads] Current Outlook Lunar position ~ Moon in emotionally intense and focused Scorpio and the 2nd House of possessions…
Correspondences and Astro Info for 30 September 2019
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Monday is governed by Mars. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal. [wordads] Current Outlook Lunar position ~ Moon in emotional and intense Scorpio and the 1st House of self, identity,…
Weekly Rune and Moon for 29 Sep – 5 Oct 2019
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. My favorite month is upon us! October is almost here and it’s time again to look at the runes, daily numerology, and Moon position for the coming week. The significator from geomancy for the week is Conjunctio or joining together….
So, Now What?!? ~ Tarot for 28 September 2019
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. These days, it always seems as if I’m asking the question, now what?!? And whenever that happens, I take out one of my Tarot decks and begin drawing cards. This time, I drew six cards and ended up using a…
Correspondences and Astro Info for 27 September 2019
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Friday is governed by Venus. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal. [wordads] Current Outlook Lunar position ~ Moon is in meticulous Virgo and the 11th House of friendship. Void-of-Course begins at…
Correspondences and Astro Info for 26 September 2019
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Thursday is governed by Jupiter. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal. [wordads] Current Outlook Lunar position ~ Moon in routine and health-conscious Virgo and the 11th House of friendship suggests…