Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Peace is our only choice in the end. And with emotions running so high these days, albeit with good reason, on last evening’s Full Snow Moon I decided to perform a ritual for peace. Magick can either be a…
Temperance and the Creator Within ~ Tarot for 9 Feb 2017
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. I’ve been researching the Law of One series, a five book series that contains channeled information regarding the Creator within from a nonterrestrial sixth density social memory complex called the Ra entity group. This extensive channeling began after years of preparation on…
The Perilous Silencing of Women
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. The silencing of women has begun in earnest on the floor of the Senate. Be seen and not heard. That’s what I was told by my parents while growing up. I was precocious in their view and my truthful comments weren’t…
A Graceful Presence ~ Tarot for 7 Feb 2017
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. It’s difficult to retain a graceful presence when the so-called new guy is running amok, potentially sending us all off the cliff while he vacations on a golf course after only two weeks in office. Calming our emotions can be…
An Imbolc Runecasting ~ 4 Feb 2017
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Today’s runecasting has an Imbolc feel to it. I’ve been drawing the same tarot cards the last day or so and switching decks doesn’t seem to be helping reset things so when I began drawing male Court cards today, I knew…
Empaths and Boundaries ~ Checking In
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Empaths can have the most fluid of boundaries given how we experience energy surrounding us. Empaths feel in to know more about what’s going on when they sense something doesn’t feel quite right. We have plenty of that now with all…
Transformation and Renewal~ Tarot for 1 Feb 2017
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. On this snowy Imbolc I chose the DruidCraft tarot deck for today’s reading on transformation and renewal. I like to observe most of the Sabbats but mainly I’m more of an Esbat observing witch. What can I say? I love…
In Consideration of All That We’ve Built ~ Tarot for 31 Jan 2017
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Before the new guy destroys everything in sight, maybe he should rethink that choice, particularly in consideration of all that we’ve built together. You’d think, given all the hotels, resorts, casinos, and golf courses he’s built he’d understand the value…
Delusional Choices and Broken Hearts ~ Tarot for 30 Jan 2017
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. How many more hearts will break from the new guy’s delusional choices? Today’s tarot reading asks this question given the ban on people from certain Muslim countries. His cravenness knows no bounds as the ban doesn’t apply if he’s doing business…
The Devil and The Choice We Make ~ Tarot for 29 Jan 2017
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. The Devil is such an interesting card to consider. Its depiction is as varied as there are decks. The Devil denotes ego potential, primal nature, and materialism. In this version from the Robin Wood tarot we see chains binding an open…
The New Guy Isn’t Smart At All
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Although it’s apparently difficult for the new guy to understand this, the American people actually care about human rights. Not mentioning Jews in his Holocaust Remembrance comments because other people died too is shameful and insensitive at minimum. Holding up…
Regrouping For The Coming Struggle ~ Tarot for 28 Jan 2017
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Today’s reading gives the feel of everyone off doing their own thing, as if regrouping for the coming struggle. The 6 of Wands depicts a young knight returning home from battle. The crowd receives him with cheers as he carries…
Replacing Conflict With Love ~ Tarot for 27 Jan 2017
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. More patterns emerge in today’s tarot reading. Swords, extending rays, and the shape of a caduceus appear in today’s three card spread. The Ace of Swords, King of Swords. and the 2 of Cups bring influences affecting our intellect and…
Republicans Continue to Fail Our Veterans
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Republicans continue to fail our veterans. Now the new guy is giving the Republicans one of their bigger prizes: he’s signed off on a federal hiring freeze. What the assholes have done by this less than noble effort is to…
Balanced Choice ~ Tarot for 24 Jan 2017
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Patterns continue in today’s tarot reading from my Morgan-Greer deck. A young woman stands before the water holding two swords crossed in front of her. She is blindfolded, a waxing crescent moon behind her. The 2 of Swords signifies going within, assessing…