Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. At the end of yesterday’s Somewhat Daily Tarot and Rune on YouTube, I put together a bindrune for alignment that I used during the last New Moon ritual. I like to use that time to begin anew so to speak,…
When Women Are Dismissed
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Women are dismissed for a variety of shameless and idiotic reasons, but none so idiotic as for their age. As a woman in her Crone years (I turn sixty-one in October) I’ve watched how women of all ages are treated…
Exploring Tarot: The Wildwood Tarot
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. I really love The Wildwood Tarot. It’s one of my favorite decks to use along with my Thoth deck. I haven’t used it yet for this series I’m doing with my various tarot decks so I’m doing that today. I’m…
Somewhat Daily Tarot and Rune for 6 August 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Welcome to Somewhat Daily Tarot and Rune! Click on the title above to reach the video or head over to the Youtube page for this and other videos and as always, thank you so much for watching! One Last…
The End of Integrity
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. I’m not a fan of Donald Trump. Never have been. I’ve always considered him to be a player and someone without integrity. I’ve read accounts of him since the 80’s and I’ve listened to various interviews of the man and I’ve…
Monthly Tarot for August 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Here we are again in a new month so let’s take a look at the cards to see how the month may unfold. I’m using the Wildwood Tarot today because it’s awesome. Seriously, the cards are amazing. I haven’t used…
Somewhat Daily Tarot and Rune for 1 August 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Welcome so Somewhat Daily Tarot and Rune! Click on the title above to watch the video or head over to my YouTube page to watch this and other videos! Thanks so much for watching! One Last Reminder About RePosting of…
Geomancy for August 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Henry Cornelius Agrippa was both a physician and a scholar and had an interest in the occult. He was born on 14 September 1486 and died at the age of 48 on 18 February 1535. His interest in the occult…
Somewhat Daily Tarot and Rune for 30 July 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Welcome to another edition of Somewhat Daily Tarot and Rune! Click on the title above to watch the video or head over to the Youtube page to watch this and other videos! Thank you so much for watching! One Last…
Somewhat Daily Tarot and Rune for 26 July 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Welcome to Somewhat Daily Tarot and Rune! Click on the title above to watch the video or go over to the YouTube page for this and other videos! Thanks for watching! One Last Reminder About RePosting of My Work If…
Inner Balance and Higher Self Presence
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. After using my Robin Wood Tarot deck for the Exploring Tarot series I’m doing here on the blog, I couldn’t resist doing a six-card reading with it. I began writing this yesterday and found synchronicities within the reading involving the…
Somewhat Daily Tarot and Rune for 24 July 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Welcome to another edition of Somewhat Daily Tarot and Rune! As always, click on the above title to take you to the page to watch or go over to the YouTube page for this and other videos. Thanks so much…
Redefining Our Own Narrative
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. It may be time to begin redefining our own narrative. It’s been suggested that there was a time where patriarchy didn’t exist, that our existence blessed the Great Mother and we shared a more egalitarian life together. The storyline was…
Exploring Tarot: The Robin Wood Tarot
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. I really like the Robin Wood Tarot. Named for its creator, the cards vibrate with energy and I love the interaction between the people on the cards as well as their interaction with the reader. I don’t use it as…
Somewhat Daily Tarot and Rune for 20 July 2018
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Welcome to Somewhat Daily Tarot and Rune! Click on the title above to reach the video or head over to the YouTube page to watch this and other videos! Thanks so much for watching! One Last Reminder About RePosting of…