Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Flow, alignment, and inspiration, the three rays of Awen represented by Hagalaz, Isa, and Nauthiz, sit below each ray of Awen, Herkimer diamonds placed between to amplify Divine energy. A piece of aqua aura quartz represents Higher Self presence. Typically…
Our Foundation For Clarity and Strength ~ Runecasting for 9 Dec 2016
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. I don’t always start out creating a bindrune. Sometimes they just create themselves when I draw them. When I drew Eihwaz, Kenaz, and Thurisaz, the bindrune jumped right out. The numerology is 22, or the Master Builder number, manifesting our…
In Healing Retreat and Reflection ~ Tarot for 8 Dec 2016
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Snow is falling (and not just on the blog), I’ve been shopping, and now I’m ready to be stuck inside for the next week, although I hope it doesn’t come to that. I shuffled the cards of my Thoth deck…
The Crone: Transformational Power Within
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. You don’t look like a Crone, a friend on social media said. I smiled, knowing he missed the point entirely. As the Goddess has three aspects, so does a woman. We begin as a Maiden, emerging into the Mother phase…
Higher Self Over Tradition ~ Rune & Tarot for 5 Dec 2016
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. The Hierophant is placed in the position of significator for today’s rune and tarot reading. He sits between the pillars of Mercy and Severity, knowledge, structure, and tradition represented by the staff in his left hand. Two keys cross at…
Integrity Versus The Trickster-in-Chief ~ Human Design Transits for 4 Dec 2016
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Human Design describes the mechanics of our existence. I find it far more interesting than astrology because it describes patterns of behavior from various perspectives. Although the time and place of birth are used, and planetary influences are also considered, Human…
Illumination Through Surrender And Trust ~ Rune & Tarot for 1 Dec 2016
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. The Lovers, the 6th card from the Thoth tarot stand before the Hermit as Priest, in balanced partnership. The Orphic egg below reflects the children born from their union. Lady Frieda Harris includes both Cain and Abel below while Cupid…
Keeping Our Silence ~ Rune & Tarot for 30 Nov 2016
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. The Hermit, the 9th card of the Major Arcana from Crowley’s Thoth tarot deck is one of the most magickal cards I’ve ever seen, flowing in nonresistance within the brilliant light of Source Presence. From Cerubus, the three-headed dog of…
Dark Moon Awakening ~ Rune & Tarot for 29 Nov 2016
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Lady Frieda Harris’s impression of The Tower from Crowley’s Thoth tarot deck explodes with energy. Our world is torn asunder as the All-Seeing Eye of Source Presence watches from above. The tower is burning and imploding before our very eyes…
Balance as Our Catalyst ~ Rune & Tarot for 28 Nov 2016
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Good luck and material gain are present in the 9 of Disks. With Venus in Virgo, balanced structure and managed effort are favored with this card of Elemental Earth. The card itself is so beautiful, with its shades of blue…
A Legacy of Enlightenment ~ Rune & Tarot for 27 Nov 2016
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. A couple looks out through an arched window. The 10 of Pentacles indicates the couple’s legacy, wealth and prosperity gained over a lifetime lived. The crossed flags behind them reflect stability, their partnership strong and enduring, with the five pentacles on…
A Sense of Justice ~ Rune & Tarot for 26 Nov 2016
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Justice, card 11 of the Major Arcana, and Fehu, the first rune of the Elder Futhark comprise today’s rune and tarot reading. A card of Libra, the Druid Priestess as judge sits holding a sword in one hand and scales…
Seeds of Transformation ~ Rune & Tarot for 25 Nov 2016
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. Growth and transformation are Jera’s influence in today’s rune and tarot reading. Bringing luck and prosperity, Jera is a favorite rune to include in a bindrune for fertility in the garden. Energy of a cyclical nature is felt as Jera’s gentle…
Thankful For Source Presence ~ Thanksgiving Tarot 2016
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. It’s not easy to be thankful when life goes awry. Ours did a few years ago, but we’ve done far more than survive. Throughout the drama, no matter how difficult, we kept thriving. Our direction has remained positive as we embrace…
Transformation ~ Rune & Tarot for 23 Nov 2016
Note: My blog contains affiliate links/ads from advertisers from which I may earn advertising commissions. I love the Death card in any tarot deck. In today’s rune and tarot reading, Death, the 13th card of the Major Arcana from the DruidCraft tarot, depicts the Cailleach, the Goddess in Her Crone aspect, as well as Ceridwen,…