There are various packaged soils one can purchase from grow supply stores, but we like Pro Organics. We use it as a soil base or for transplanting. I use it for my vegetable and herb transplants as well. We came upon a soil recipe that a breeder named SubCool uses. We vary it sometimes, substituting dried comfrey leaf for the kelp meal for example. But following is the recipe we typically use.
- 33lbs wormcastings (I get mine from the three worm farms I have in my kitchen)
- 5 lbs blood meal
- 5 lbs bat guano
- 2.5 lbs fish bone meal
- 2.5 lbs bonemeal
- 3 cups kelp meal or dried comfrey leaf (I have a ton of comfrey growing so I harvest it for tea and super soil)
- 3 cups oyster shell
- 3 cups alfalfa meal
- 2 cups azomite
- 1 cup dolomite lime
- 3/4 cup epsom salts
- 2 T humic acid
We mix all of this together with three 2 cu ft bags of Pro Organics soil (6 cubic ft of soil) using a spinnable compost turner. If using another brand of soil, pay attention to the size because some come in 1.5 cu ft bags as well as 3 cu ft bags. If I remember correctly, this represents half the original recipe. We store the finished soil in a garbage can.

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Thank you... Jan Erickson